Robot Combat - Images
Cobra gets ragdolled around the arena

Robot Combat
Sabretooth gets a second beatdown, and Aftershock is through to the grand final!

Robot Combat
Aftershock decimates the competition

Robot Combat
Sabretooth takes a bite out of Terrorhurtz

Robot Combat
Team Shockwave returns with their newest killing machine: Aftershock!

Robot Combat
Nuts is unceremoniously disposed of by Matilda

Robot Combat
The first flip of a brand new season!

Robot Combat
A Merry Robot Wars Christmas!

Robot Combat
Sir Killalot throws some shade on BattleBots after Robot Wars is renewed

Robot Combat
The final big hit of the season

Robot Combat
Tombstone hits Bombshell, Bombshell F**KING DIES

Robot Combat
Wrecks after its lucky performance in the exhibition rumble

Robot Combat
Wrecks finally does something, sends Witch Doctor out of the arena!

Robot Combat
Wrecks gets bounced around

Robot Combat
Friendly fire turns Shaman into a GREAT BALL OF FIRE

Robot Combat
Exhibition Rumble Match: Bite Force vs. Witch Doctor (w/ Shaman) vs. Wrecks

Robot Combat