Samurai Jack - Images
"series one starts with jack saving people-like dogs, series two starts(maybe) with jack saving dog-like people. It’s like pottery." by discount-supervillain
Samurai Jack
"get me some of that cute bandwagon" by pomutop
Samurai Jack
The Squad of Aku
Samurai Jack
Scaramouche the Merciless by Dullvivid
Samurai Jack
Samurai Jack
Samurai Jack
Apparently the Samurai Jack wiki calls their species "Emoji"
Samurai Jack
Samurai Jack
Aku's Playing 4D Chess
Samurai Jack
a different Jack
Samurai Jack
Scenery worth getting beaten up over? Maybe.
Samurai Jack
This guy again. I bet he stole Jack's sword.
Samurai Jack
Sorry, I couldn't resist :)
Samurai Jack
That reflection, though.
Samurai Jack
Jack On A Cliff
Samurai Jack
Jack Riding His Motorcycle
Samurai Jack
"There it is, Babe, the world famous scowl."
Samurai Jack
"Send nudes" they said!
Samurai Jack
Coincidence? I think not
Samurai Jack
a samurai needs Edges
Samurai Jack