Sarah's Scribbles - Images
Hitler's Birthday
Sarah's Scribbles
Sarah's Scribbles 16
![How to be a Good Goy Get worthless degree | |2) Despair over crippling loan debt and such as woman's studies. inability to find a job or ove. 3. Stress out over conflicts between your ideology and reality 4. keep stressing out over drying ovaries and declining beauty 5. Blame white males O r--- D) OSarak Andersen](
![How to be a Good Goy Get worthless degree | |2) Despair over crippling loan debt and such as woman's studies. inability to find a job or ove. 3. Stress out over conflicts between your ideology and reality 4. keep stressing out over drying ovaries and declining beauty 5. Blame white males O r--- D) OSarak Andersen](
Sarah's Scribbles
Sarah's Scribbles 15
![ISLAM verything is okay OSoah Andersn](
![ISLAM verything is okay OSoah Andersn](
Sarah's Scribbles
Sarah's Scribbles 14
![JEWS st be exterminated](
![JEWS st be exterminated](
Sarah's Scribbles
Sarah's Scribbles
![LNTELLIGEACE Asian IQ Pretty god White IGQ Also good! Jewish IQ Black IQ HoP WHERE IS IT dersen](
![LNTELLIGEACE Asian IQ Pretty god White IGQ Also good! Jewish IQ Black IQ HoP WHERE IS IT dersen](
Sarah's Scribbles
Sarah's Scribbles 12
![((coincidence) ((coincidence))) Jews 0.0 (coincidence)) t's the jews 0.0 ((coincidence)Look AT ME) WHfT covld it BE? It's the NEWS](
![((coincidence) ((coincidence))) Jews 0.0 (coincidence)) t's the jews 0.0 ((coincidence)Look AT ME) WHfT covld it BE? It's the NEWS](
Sarah's Scribbles
Sarah's Scribbles 11
Sarah's Scribbles
Sarah's Scribbles 10
![These refugees will raise our diversity levels! Up we gol SiP sip R--- WAIT NO OSaat Andersen](
![These refugees will raise our diversity levels! Up we gol SiP sip R--- WAIT NO OSaat Andersen](
Sarah's Scribbles
Sarah's Scribbles 9
![I feel weird...? You're mad at me For withovt getting Pregnant and contributing to white genocide, huh? Yes ara naersen](
![I feel weird...? You're mad at me For withovt getting Pregnant and contributing to white genocide, huh? Yes ara naersen](
Sarah's Scribbles
Sarah's Scribbles 8
![IN THE FUTURE E very generation has its own slanq roovy.. nar These words MarK periods of time Which makes my job taking care of millennials in the nursina home. Interesting SUP ROASTIE! Shadilay! Some of you are alrihf, on't cone to the Nursin Home tomorrow hanks. O Sarah Andersen](
![IN THE FUTURE E very generation has its own slanq roovy.. nar These words MarK periods of time Which makes my job taking care of millennials in the nursina home. Interesting SUP ROASTIE! Shadilay! Some of you are alrihf, on't cone to the Nursin Home tomorrow hanks. O Sarah Andersen](
Sarah's Scribbles
Sarah's Scribbles 7
![ME IN THE FUTURE And this s a dirty Musli I killed as.a Here's another one feen And another, And about 10,000 more. .. PHolo Yeah... .I killed a lot of esuS G canna. (c) Sarah Andersen](
![ME IN THE FUTURE And this s a dirty Musli I killed as.a Here's another one feen And another, And about 10,000 more. .. PHolo Yeah... .I killed a lot of esuS G canna. (c) Sarah Andersen](
Sarah's Scribbles
Sarah's Scribbles 5
![EXPLAINING WHITE GENOcIDE: WRITTEN COMMUNICATION And thus, I can conclude that my e s hypothesis was i ndeed CorrecT. VERBAL COMmuNICATION AND SO. UM. LIKE. WELL SO YE AH ITS the LIk E, you (c) Sarah Anderzen](
![EXPLAINING WHITE GENOcIDE: WRITTEN COMMUNICATION And thus, I can conclude that my e s hypothesis was i ndeed CorrecT. VERBAL COMmuNICATION AND SO. UM. LIKE. WELL SO YE AH ITS the LIk E, you (c) Sarah Anderzen](
Sarah's Scribbles
Sarah's Scribbles 4
![WHAT I DO WITH MY RACIST THOUGHTS 匍 Phhh 臼 F------ 39ers (c) Sarah Andersen](
![WHAT I DO WITH MY RACIST THOUGHTS 匍 Phhh 臼 F------ 39ers (c) Sarah Andersen](
Sarah's Scribbles
Sarah's Scribbles 3
![Europe is being invaded by Muslims. At least it increases the chances of a Global Crusade nderser](
![Europe is being invaded by Muslims. At least it increases the chances of a Global Crusade nderser](
Sarah's Scribbles
Sarah's Scribbles 2
![IN PUBLIC Hey. Remember that "Remove Kebab" sona? That was S0 funn HAHAHAA!! Saoh Andersen](
![IN PUBLIC Hey. Remember that "Remove Kebab" sona? That was S0 funn HAHAHAA!! Saoh Andersen](
Sarah's Scribbles
Sarah's Scribbles 01202015
![My NTERNAL MONOLOGUE NO EXCUSES! LETS GO!! Race War Timel 1...2..3..NOw! LET'S START! DEAR GoD BEG YOU!! asa. ersen](
![My NTERNAL MONOLOGUE NO EXCUSES! LETS GO!! Race War Timel 1...2..3..NOw! LET'S START! DEAR GoD BEG YOU!! asa. ersen](
Sarah's Scribbles