Scooby-Doo - Images
Scaredy Dog

toothpaste hair ghost

phantom girl

me irl

truly the worst generation

Welp, this explains a lot

Wolfenstein but it's scooby doo

Winnie by PlagueOfGripes

leaked gritty scooby-doo reboot

too far?

busting spooks since 1942

Scooby-Doo finds this out in the Red Room. Like, literally the Red Room/Black Lodge from Twin Peaks.

A TellTale game
![File: Scooby-Doo-Where-Are-You (140 KB, 1067 x800) Telltale Scooby Doo Anonymous 01/08/17 (Sun)16:08:37 No.363229642 363229898 363231247 363231484 28633424 D863234876 We need a Telltale Scooby Doo game. This is no joke. Imagine a 5 part episodic Scooby Doo game by Telltale in which each episode has its own villain and mystery and of those villains and mysteries tie into an overarching mystery and villain in which you have to unmask in Episode 5. Just imagine it DA0/1un1625:52 No.363231484 D36323205 DBE3232138 >interrogating suspect >give scooby snack >or glass him Sounds like fun Anonymous 01/08/17 (Sun)16:33:00 No.363232138 >Dialogue wheel says "Doubt" >think Fred is going to say something along the lines of "I don't believe you" >dialogue starts >"The truth is, you hated that bitch, you followed her and dragged her into the car and took her out to the Moors. She woke up, and you smashed her face in with a socket wrench. And then you stomped her, you stomped her because she is a drunken w---- and she treated you like s---. You stomped her for all the years you had to take it. You stomped her because you're such a weak f------ sister, Jacob, and you wanted to erase all memory of it. Go on, try to deny it." >guy I'm talking to starts uncontrollably crying >dialogue wheel gives me 4 new options >want to console him because I didn't see it coming that Fred would flip out like that >pick [Scooby Snack Himj to give him a snack character picks up a Scooby Snack box and smashes his face in >guy drags himself across the ground screaming for help >chose dialogue option [Help Him] >Fred starts screaming "Oh I'll help you alright." walks up to him and stomps the s--- out of his back and runs over his legs with the mystery machine >Shaggy hovers over the guy and says some cheesy line along the lines of "Guess this will make BREAKING NEWS when they find his corpse" >chose dialogue option "Very funny >Fred says "F--- you"](
![File: Scooby-Doo-Where-Are-You (140 KB, 1067 x800) Telltale Scooby Doo Anonymous 01/08/17 (Sun)16:08:37 No.363229642 363229898 363231247 363231484 28633424 D863234876 We need a Telltale Scooby Doo game. This is no joke. Imagine a 5 part episodic Scooby Doo game by Telltale in which each episode has its own villain and mystery and of those villains and mysteries tie into an overarching mystery and villain in which you have to unmask in Episode 5. Just imagine it DA0/1un1625:52 No.363231484 D36323205 DBE3232138 >interrogating suspect >give scooby snack >or glass him Sounds like fun Anonymous 01/08/17 (Sun)16:33:00 No.363232138 >Dialogue wheel says "Doubt" >think Fred is going to say something along the lines of "I don't believe you" >dialogue starts >"The truth is, you hated that bitch, you followed her and dragged her into the car and took her out to the Moors. She woke up, and you smashed her face in with a socket wrench. And then you stomped her, you stomped her because she is a drunken w---- and she treated you like s---. You stomped her for all the years you had to take it. You stomped her because you're such a weak f------ sister, Jacob, and you wanted to erase all memory of it. Go on, try to deny it." >guy I'm talking to starts uncontrollably crying >dialogue wheel gives me 4 new options >want to console him because I didn't see it coming that Fred would flip out like that >pick [Scooby Snack Himj to give him a snack character picks up a Scooby Snack box and smashes his face in >guy drags himself across the ground screaming for help >chose dialogue option [Help Him] >Fred starts screaming "Oh I'll help you alright." walks up to him and stomps the s--- out of his back and runs over his legs with the mystery machine >Shaggy hovers over the guy and says some cheesy line along the lines of "Guess this will make BREAKING NEWS when they find his corpse" >chose dialogue option "Very funny >Fred says "F--- you"](
I can't believe Fred is fucking dead...

rorkers rof ra rorld runite

all the time
