Sonic the Hedgehog - Images
Sockpuppet Zernik

Sonic the Hedgehog
Not How He Rolls

Sonic the Hedgehog
knuckles don't like guns

Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog
The elevator

Sonic the Hedgehog
So good

Sonic the Hedgehog
Next stop, Sonic Mania

Sonic the Hedgehog
being this austisic?

Sonic the Hedgehog
sonic mania trio

Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog
Applicable to several other fandoms, too.

Sonic the Hedgehog
Maria the Knight

Sonic the Hedgehog
The relationship between Sega and their fans in a nutshell

Sonic the Hedgehog
Amy Rose (Akatsuki Style)

Sonic the Hedgehog
The Ancients

Sonic the Hedgehog
Hype Killed

Sonic the Hedgehog