Steven Universe - Images
Steven Universe
Lars in Bob's outfit
Steven Universe
Lapidot piggyback ride
Steven Universe
Please use the comments section to describe your favorite anime to Peridot
Steven Universe
Literal Red Shirt
Steven Universe
Pre-Corruption Centipeetle, with a touch of Star Trek by Discount-Supervillain
Steven Universe
This is what we were waiting for so long
Steven Universe
Pilot Gems by RenV
Steven Universe
"Lapis being cool" by cajda-chan
Steven Universe
Deal with it
Steven Universe
Steven Universe
"Pearl's dream" by s2baro
Steven Universe
I can't believe no one is fucking dead
Steven Universe
“I’ve even thought about dyeing my hair pink”
Steven Universe
"Is that all I’m here for?"
Steven Universe
"It’s 4th-and-1 and the Giants are going for it… you gotta love sports!" 4
Steven Universe
"It’s 4th-and-1 and the Giants are going for it… you gotta love sports!" 3
Steven Universe
"It’s 4th-and-1 and the Giants are going for it… you gotta love sports!" 2
Steven Universe
"It’s 4th-and-1 and the Giants are going for it… you gotta love sports!" 1
Steven Universe
Steven Universe