Steven Universe - Images
"Young" Amethyst
Steven Universe
Greg saw the universe
Steven Universe
"I can Sing!"
Steven Universe
Owl amethyst
Steven Universe
The Cute one
Steven Universe
"I can sing!"
Steven Universe
"Young" Pearl
Steven Universe
If you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Steven Universe
He gave me SWAG
Steven Universe
Fun Fact: Vidalia is also the name of a type of sweet onions. Do I need to say more?
Steven Universe
Second time we heard the same laugh. First time we saw the face.
Steven Universe
I'd say "Implying?" but...
Steven Universe
I'm scaroused
Steven Universe
'80 gems best gems
Steven Universe
Story For Steven
Steven Universe
There is no escape from the perfume department
Steven Universe
Gems in suits by Albrii
Steven Universe
Gems in dresses by Albrii
Steven Universe
Peridot's professional Advice at Visual Interactive Entertainment
Steven Universe
"Pearl" Necklace
Steven Universe