Super Mario Bros. Z - Images
"So tempted to just release the first half of the episode right now. I must stick to the game plan! ...

Super Mario Bros. Z
"Spin-Offs and Originality"

Super Mario Bros. Z
"Another screenie. Unfortunately I don't think I'm gonna get this episode done this month. Hopefully...

Super Mario Bros. Z
"Metallix will be getting his own unique text boxes. Mad props fo goes to @jonhlambert for making th...

Super Mario Bros. Z
"Sorry for the lack of updates. Scene 6 is coming along slow but steady. I can't wait to get this ep...

Super Mario Bros. Z
"Brand new text boxes I'll be using in the reboot made by @jonhlambert. Thanks very much!" (2nd Imag...

Super Mario Bros. Z
"Brand new text boxes I'll be using in the reboot made by @jonhlambert. Thanks very much!" (1st Imag...

Super Mario Bros. Z
"Getting to work on scene 6. Now Bowser gets some of the custom spriting treatment."

Super Mario Bros. Z
"Scene 5 is done. This concludes the "episode 1" portion of this reboot episode."

Super Mario Bros. Z
"Another preview. Hand drawn animations shall feature on occasion in this reboot."

Super Mario Bros. Z
"Haven't made much progress for the last four days due to a cold. But I'm slowly getting back to wor...

Super Mario Bros. Z
"Scene 4 is done! The Koopa King is on his way!"

Super Mario Bros. Z
"Scene 4 is progressing nicely. They take less time to make when they don't have any action segments...

Super Mario Bros. Z
"Another sneak peek for you guys. Guess who's making a cameo in this first episode!"

Super Mario Bros. Z
"Scene 3 is now done! On to the next one"

Super Mario Bros. Z
"Scene 3 is taking a little longer than anticipated. A lot of custom sprite editing involved for the...

Super Mario Bros. Z