Super Mario - Images
Mario waterboarding Toad

Super Mario
Girls being girls 💕
Super Mario
Super Saiyan Peach and Super Saiyan Xiaoman

Super Mario
Family outing 🍿
Super Mario
Luigi takes on Hollywood

Super Mario
Super Mario
How much fruit it would take to keep a Yoshi from Sunshine alive

Super Mario
Mario's first words

Super Mario
Kart Fighter redrawn by DangerMD

Super Mario
daisy's challenge
Super Mario
That time Lemmy was referenced in an ad
![Supper Mario Broth @Mario BrothBlog Lemmy Koopa has been bizarrely referenced in an ad for home insurance. Between 1996 and 1998, an ad for an insurance company in a Santa Fe newspaper mentioned "Lemmy Koopas' castle in Super Nintendo" [sic] for no known reason. WHETHER IT'S YOUR FIRST HOME... OR YOUR FIRST HOME IN SANTA FE. AT REYNOLDS, WE Reynolds that efficiently UNDERSTAND OWNING A takes care of those pesky HOME CAN BE COMPLICATED. insurance details. And There's the butler, the that gives a homeowner gardener, the staff, a like Lewis the time to surf know, the the Internet or conquer necessities. And possibly, Lemmy Koopas' castle in the wing for your parents. Super Nintendo. But the seasoned Santa Fe homeowner knows it's CALL US. BECAUSE IT'S, IMPORTANT. . REYNOLDS INSURANCE, INC 505-983-4353 200 W. DE VARGAS SUITE 8 SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO 87501 article05025027feng-ke- The "Lemmy Koopas' castle" [sic] being referred to is almost certainly Lemmy's Castle from Super Mario World, as that is the only game on the SNES where Lemmy has a castle. X5 #3 LEMMY'S CASTLE Bizarrely, the ad ran between 1996 and 1998. Why a random boss (the third out of 8 main bosses) from an, at the time, at least 6 year old Mario game was chosen to be referenced in an ad appealing to homeowners is unknown.](
![Supper Mario Broth @Mario BrothBlog Lemmy Koopa has been bizarrely referenced in an ad for home insurance. Between 1996 and 1998, an ad for an insurance company in a Santa Fe newspaper mentioned "Lemmy Koopas' castle in Super Nintendo" [sic] for no known reason. WHETHER IT'S YOUR FIRST HOME... OR YOUR FIRST HOME IN SANTA FE. AT REYNOLDS, WE Reynolds that efficiently UNDERSTAND OWNING A takes care of those pesky HOME CAN BE COMPLICATED. insurance details. And There's the butler, the that gives a homeowner gardener, the staff, a like Lewis the time to surf know, the the Internet or conquer necessities. And possibly, Lemmy Koopas' castle in the wing for your parents. Super Nintendo. But the seasoned Santa Fe homeowner knows it's CALL US. BECAUSE IT'S, IMPORTANT. . REYNOLDS INSURANCE, INC 505-983-4353 200 W. DE VARGAS SUITE 8 SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO 87501 article05025027feng-ke- The "Lemmy Koopas' castle" [sic] being referred to is almost certainly Lemmy's Castle from Super Mario World, as that is the only game on the SNES where Lemmy has a castle. X5 #3 LEMMY'S CASTLE Bizarrely, the ad ran between 1996 and 1998. Why a random boss (the third out of 8 main bosses) from an, at the time, at least 6 year old Mario game was chosen to be referenced in an ad appealing to homeowners is unknown.](
Super Mario
What did Nintendo mean by this?
Super Mario
T. Honda

Super Mario
Retro Mario

Super Mario
The British are more polite

Super Mario

Super Mario