Super Mario - Images
Development files for Super Mario World contain a sprite of an extremely small Goomba. Below is a mo...
Super Mario
mario & luigi
Super Mario
Rosalina, but her dress is WAY shorter
Super Mario

Super Mario
Peach by ryota
Super Mario
Mario suffering

Super Mario
Super Mario Advance 4 contains an unused homing Bullet Bill enemy that uses Warp Whistle sprites wit...

Super Mario
Turns out Rosalina is tall thanks to the Mario Kart devs

Super Mario
According to a 2009 interview with the developers of Super Mario Bros., the game originally started ...

Super Mario
Super Mario
Super Bros. 2, truly the game of all time

Super Mario
If I wasn't going to say it, someone else was

Super Mario
Pokey Boxer girl

Super Mario
A story in two images

Super Mario
Skin Mario

Super Mario
Super Mario Bros. (1993) by JohnDraw54

Super Mario