The Avengers - Images
4chan on why Avengers 2 was awesome
![[Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] [Update] [ Auto] 320/ 92/163/10 File: Interstellar ipg (41 KB, 640x360) O Anonymous 05/08/15 Fri22:43:28 No 614664431- > 614665446> 61466 825 제14666215 > 6146 65 -6 4669732 614671266 > 614671652 614671917 61467225 >614673443 614673615 614673841>614673907 >614674686 614675477>614675492 >614675888 614676322 >614676938 >614677015 614677364 >614679247 >614680285 -614682167 614682422 614683331 614683677 >614683702 614683786>614683856 614684227 614684340 >614684660 >614684757614685330 14673424 614681930 ITT: movies you've cried in you're not above this bros man up and admit when the tears flowed pic related for me, this scene got me. so much loss crammed into such a small period of time for this character and mcconaughey nailed it. Anonymous 05/09/15(Sat)00:37:44 No.614682389 614682493 Avengers: age of ultron No joke Anonymous 05/09/15(Sat) 00:51:10 No 614684179 614684854 614684889 Link to this post >watched Man of Steel >absolutly hated it superman is complete dumbass that doest even bother trying to save people. Too busy trying to punch the bad guy to worry about civilians see a bunch of superhero movies where massive amounts of civilians get killed just to prove the bad guy is evil always hate them for that reason Spoilers watching avengers age of ultron avengers spend ENTIRE MOVIE doing whatever they can to save civilians >at the climax >still saving people >cars fall off city in man of steel, would just be depressing scene showing civilians dying nope thor and cap save them avengers OPENLY STATE they are fine with dying if they cant save all the civilians start thinking they are just going to kill the civs >suddenly helicarrier so happy almost cry civilians getting evaced kid stuck in city >hawkeye goes to save him >ultron bout to kill him qs saves him and kid start crying am happy qs died >not because i hated him >because he acted like a F------ SUPERHERO A AoU is now favorite movie an is eternal s--- boards·|79](
![[Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] [Update] [ Auto] 320/ 92/163/10 File: Interstellar ipg (41 KB, 640x360) O Anonymous 05/08/15 Fri22:43:28 No 614664431- > 614665446> 61466 825 제14666215 > 6146 65 -6 4669732 614671266 > 614671652 614671917 61467225 >614673443 614673615 614673841>614673907 >614674686 614675477>614675492 >614675888 614676322 >614676938 >614677015 614677364 >614679247 >614680285 -614682167 614682422 614683331 614683677 >614683702 614683786>614683856 614684227 614684340 >614684660 >614684757614685330 14673424 614681930 ITT: movies you've cried in you're not above this bros man up and admit when the tears flowed pic related for me, this scene got me. so much loss crammed into such a small period of time for this character and mcconaughey nailed it. Anonymous 05/09/15(Sat)00:37:44 No.614682389 614682493 Avengers: age of ultron No joke Anonymous 05/09/15(Sat) 00:51:10 No 614684179 614684854 614684889 Link to this post >watched Man of Steel >absolutly hated it superman is complete dumbass that doest even bother trying to save people. Too busy trying to punch the bad guy to worry about civilians see a bunch of superhero movies where massive amounts of civilians get killed just to prove the bad guy is evil always hate them for that reason Spoilers watching avengers age of ultron avengers spend ENTIRE MOVIE doing whatever they can to save civilians >at the climax >still saving people >cars fall off city in man of steel, would just be depressing scene showing civilians dying nope thor and cap save them avengers OPENLY STATE they are fine with dying if they cant save all the civilians start thinking they are just going to kill the civs >suddenly helicarrier so happy almost cry civilians getting evaced kid stuck in city >hawkeye goes to save him >ultron bout to kill him qs saves him and kid start crying am happy qs died >not because i hated him >because he acted like a F------ SUPERHERO A AoU is now favorite movie an is eternal s--- boards·|79](
The Avengers

The Avengers
What would be their shipping name? Brutasha? Romanner? Bannernof?

The Avengers
Please let one Avengers film have the entire team run off and do this

The Avengers
Age of Ultron rough draft

The Avengers

The Avengers
This just make me sad...

The Avengers
Ultron evidently looked through all the SJW threats sent at Joss Whedon.

The Avengers
James Gunn's thoughts on the Joss Whedon death threats

The Avengers
@maximusfeen Tweet

The Avengers
Angry Whedon Tweets 2

The Avengers
Angry Whedon Tweets 1

The Avengers
Patton Oswalt Tweet

The Avengers
Comic-Movie GIF: Thor

The Avengers
Comic-Movie GIF: Loki

The Avengers
Comic-Movie GIF: That SHIELD Agent

The Avengers