The Lion King - Images
Sarabi by Tamiandart

The Lion King
Obasi and Eshe - The parents of Scar By EyesInTheDark666

The Lion King
How Could You Lose To a Stray? By AlfredHawk

The Lion King
Mufasa and Sarabi by millionaireshysteria

The Lion King
'You're the one whose talking.' 'I am!' By marshvall

The Lion King
"Then how did you see the look in Mufasa's eyes?!" By Tanzani

The Lion King
Obasi, Eshe, Taka, and Mufasa By satme97

The Lion King
I've Always Wanted a Brother by KingSimba

The Lion King
Kiros by KingSimba

The Lion King
The white lions by Silver-Wolf-17

The Lion King
Mufasa and Taka/Scar's parents by Silver-Wolf-17

The Lion King
Never before heard Lion King songs found

The Lion King
more shenzi 😔(im sorry)
The Lion King
shenzi from the lion king 🦁👑
The Lion King
They named him garbage

The Lion King
Red action test

The Lion King