The Simpsons - Images

The Simpsons
Slow clap

The Simpsons
The skinner

The Simpsons
Disney owns this joke now.

The Simpsons
Bart/Mickey art by Mickey Mouse Shorts Character designer

The Simpsons
Matt Groening's/Homer Simpson's "Warm Welcome" to Springfield's new House of Mouse overlords.

The Simpsons
In recent news
The Simpsons
Homer's key characteristics during golden year of the Simpsons

The Simpsons

The Simpsons
solve the riddle

The Simpsons
Bender Mecha Warrior 2000

The Simpsons
We'll burn that bridge when we come to it

The Simpsons
That's a bummer

The Simpsons
Krusty Trading Cards

The Simpsons
Another comparison

The Simpsons
The double middle finger up-down thing whilew the makers of this episode have quicksand fetish at th...

The Simpsons