The Simpsons - Images Templates
The Simpsons
The picture on the left, from the episode "Lisa on Ice", represents an argument between two vocal opposing sides. The picture on the right, from the episode "Bart on the Road", represents a third party who is embarrassed by the argument, often because he
The Simpsons
The Simpsons Females Stared in Amazement Template
The Simpsons
This screenshot from the episode "Duffless" can be used to say that three things that are supposed to be different are actually the same, sort of like a three-way version of the "they're the same picture" meme.
The Simpsons
a template for your own use
The Simpsons
a man who's been in a coma wakes up
The Simpsons
homer simpson with crows on arms "look i've made some friends"
The Simpsons