Titanic (James Cameron Film) - Images
If Titanic Sank Today...

Titanic (James Cameron Film)
The Unpoppable Slide

Titanic (James Cameron Film)
Did any of them get academy awards?

Titanic (James Cameron Film)

Titanic (James Cameron Film)

Titanic (James Cameron Film)

Titanic (James Cameron Film)
![the-star-stuff NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON IS BEHIND THE ONLY MAJOR TECHNICAL CHANGE IN THETITANICRE-RELEASE It took James Cameron 60 weeks to prepareTitanic for its rerelease, but apart from remastering the original at 4k resolution and converting it to stereoscopïc 3D, nothing about the movie has really changed. Well, almost nothing. According to Cameron: "Neil deGrasse Tvson sent me quite a snarky email saving that, at that time of vear [April 15, at 4:2o am], in that position in the Atlantic in 19í2, when Rose īs lying on the piece of ood and staring up at the stars, that is not the star field she would have seen." "And with my reputation as a perfectionist, I should have known that and I should have put the right star field in. So I said 'All right, send rie the right stars för that exact time and I'll put iti So Tyson did just that, and Cameron re-shot the scene. According to the Telegraph, it is the only major technical change in the film's re-release.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/748/515/8fd.png)
![the-star-stuff NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON IS BEHIND THE ONLY MAJOR TECHNICAL CHANGE IN THETITANICRE-RELEASE It took James Cameron 60 weeks to prepareTitanic for its rerelease, but apart from remastering the original at 4k resolution and converting it to stereoscopïc 3D, nothing about the movie has really changed. Well, almost nothing. According to Cameron: "Neil deGrasse Tvson sent me quite a snarky email saving that, at that time of vear [April 15, at 4:2o am], in that position in the Atlantic in 19í2, when Rose īs lying on the piece of ood and staring up at the stars, that is not the star field she would have seen." "And with my reputation as a perfectionist, I should have known that and I should have put the right star field in. So I said 'All right, send rie the right stars för that exact time and I'll put iti So Tyson did just that, and Cameron re-shot the scene. According to the Telegraph, it is the only major technical change in the film's re-release.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/748/515/8fd.png)
Titanic (James Cameron Film)

Titanic (James Cameron Film)
Turtle King of the World

Titanic (James Cameron Film)

Titanic (James Cameron Film)
Posting with you this season

Titanic (James Cameron Film)
Redditing With You Tonight

Titanic (James Cameron Film)
Titanic Happened

Titanic (James Cameron Film)
Titanic Was Real

Titanic (James Cameron Film)
Titanic Busted

Titanic (James Cameron Film)
Rose on the Stairs

Titanic (James Cameron Film)