World of Warcraft - Images

World of Warcraft
Peach Pie and Wine

World of Warcraft
The Longwalker

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft
Strong Tauren Girl

World of Warcraft
Tauren Lady kicking the snow

World of Warcraft
Tauren Lady

World of Warcraft
And the cycle continues

World of Warcraft
Nerf NOW!! - To Be Continued...

World of Warcraft
Give Me Something For The Pain, And Let Me Die

World of Warcraft
Nerf NOW!! - Blameless

World of Warcraft
Sylvanas Windrunner

World of Warcraft
Working for Alex Afrasiabi's NPC in WoW

World of Warcraft
Driver in Azeroth Grand Prix
World of Warcraft
Alex Afrasiabi's NPC replaced due to the Activision Blizzard lawsuit

World of Warcraft
3-hour suspension for naming your orc Thelazypeon
![Valley of Trials Khaldrogo Lazy Peon Ow! Ok, I'll get back to work, Khaldrogo! BIZZ Chatting with a GM DEZ (Laandark) whispers: Greetings Craig! My name is Game Master Beldirino, sorry to disturb you, but can you spare a moment? To BEz (Laandark]: Sure what's the problem? BEZ [Laandark] whispers: Thanks DEZ (Laandarkj whispers: Just to let you know that you are about to receive a 3 hour suspension for abusing our naming policy. To Auz (Laandark]: What name abused the policy? BEZ (Laandark) whispers: 'Thelazypeon' To Būz (Laandark]: I honestly had no idea that was an issue DEZ (Laandark] whispers: You will also be flagged for a name change DEZ (Laandark] whispers: It's been reported by other players who have found it offensive DEZ (Laandark] whispers: If you want to google the word peon? It can be offensive to some people To BEZ (Laandark]: Peon is worker To BEz İLaandark]:I like to RP a worker To BEz (Laandark]: TheLazyPeon means a lazy worker DEZ (Laandark] whispers: It can be seen as a reference to Mexican and Spanish people 1. General - Durotarj [Xandria]: Íol... download a game just so you can log in and tell people its pathetic ? [1. General - Durotar] [Rikhjin]: lol the edge lord 1. General - Durotar] [Auctionhouse]: you know the game you play is trash, when u go into another game to trash talk LLAL [1. General - Durotar] [Luro]: I'm a new player. What level can i join your guild? Lazy Peon says: Ow! Ok, I'll get back to work, Khaldrogo! 000000000](
![Valley of Trials Khaldrogo Lazy Peon Ow! Ok, I'll get back to work, Khaldrogo! BIZZ Chatting with a GM DEZ (Laandark) whispers: Greetings Craig! My name is Game Master Beldirino, sorry to disturb you, but can you spare a moment? To BEz (Laandark]: Sure what's the problem? BEZ [Laandark] whispers: Thanks DEZ (Laandarkj whispers: Just to let you know that you are about to receive a 3 hour suspension for abusing our naming policy. To Auz (Laandark]: What name abused the policy? BEZ (Laandark) whispers: 'Thelazypeon' To Būz (Laandark]: I honestly had no idea that was an issue DEZ (Laandark] whispers: You will also be flagged for a name change DEZ (Laandark] whispers: It's been reported by other players who have found it offensive DEZ (Laandark] whispers: If you want to google the word peon? It can be offensive to some people To BEZ (Laandark]: Peon is worker To BEz İLaandark]:I like to RP a worker To BEz (Laandark]: TheLazyPeon means a lazy worker DEZ (Laandark] whispers: It can be seen as a reference to Mexican and Spanish people 1. General - Durotarj [Xandria]: Íol... download a game just so you can log in and tell people its pathetic ? [1. General - Durotar] [Rikhjin]: lol the edge lord 1. General - Durotar] [Auctionhouse]: you know the game you play is trash, when u go into another game to trash talk LLAL [1. General - Durotar] [Luro]: I'm a new player. What level can i join your guild? Lazy Peon says: Ow! Ok, I'll get back to work, Khaldrogo! 000000000](
World of Warcraft