Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer - Images
They are closing in on him

Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer

Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer
He did it again!

Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer
When No One Else Was

Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer
Ted Cruz Search History

Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer
Lost In Translation Trivia

Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer
Wheel of Fortune

Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer

Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer
![happy raptor @yayraptor date: so whats ur zodiac sign ted cruz: [sweating] my what 2:18 PM -30 Mar 2016](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/305/652/a50.png)
![happy raptor @yayraptor date: so whats ur zodiac sign ted cruz: [sweating] my what 2:18 PM -30 Mar 2016](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/305/652/a50.png)
Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer
What a Ride

Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer
Not Funny

Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer
Poll: Nearly 40 Percent of Florida Voters Think Ted Cruz Might Be the Zodiac Killer

Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer
Wikipedia Page

Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer

Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer
for the record, the "Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer" meme caught fire bc everyone believes that Ted Cruz is loathsome enough to murder people

Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer
"Hi I just woke up from a coma, how's 2017?" "A sitting senator just literally RTd a serial killer because of a meme."

Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer