Thanks, I Hate It - Images
The View through the Window

Thanks, I Hate It
Guess Where the Missing AirPod Went

Thanks, I Hate It
You Can't Choose Your License Plate in Portugal

Thanks, I Hate It
Using This Bathroom

Thanks, I Hate It
A Bird Made a Nest in This Person's Mop

Thanks, I Hate It
Discovering You Have 7 Wisdom Teeth

Thanks, I Hate It
A Broken Shoe at School

Thanks, I Hate It
Another FedEx Delivery

Thanks, I Hate It
A Gift from Mother Nature

Thanks, I Hate It
Finding a Shoe Print in Your Pizza Box Halfway Through Eating It

Thanks, I Hate It
Resembles My Mental State

Thanks, I Hate It
Today's Paperwork, Pear for Scale

Thanks, I Hate It
Fastest Swimmer

Thanks, I Hate It
Pelican Eating a French Fry

Thanks, I Hate It
This Bathroom Stall

Thanks, I Hate It

Thanks, I Hate It