The Grandiloquent Caption - Images
The treacherous vizier:

The Grandiloquent Caption
The Humble Analog Clock

The Grandiloquent Caption
the trustworthy telecommunications dish:

The Grandiloquent Caption
the dastardly Molten Freddy:

The Grandiloquent Caption
The humble Chameleon:

The Grandiloquent Caption
the ever-dependable asterisk:

The Grandiloquent Caption
The devious and elusive Dracula:

The Grandiloquent Caption
The Humble Brick

The Grandiloquent Caption
The Humble Garlic

The Grandiloquent Caption
“there better not be an almost massless particle fucking up our sensors”

The Grandiloquent Caption
the humble parentheses:

The Grandiloquent Caption
the reliable animal cracker:

The Grandiloquent Caption

The Grandiloquent Caption
the humble cheerio:

The Grandiloquent Caption
the despicable mold spore:

The Grandiloquent Caption
the flavorful garlic:

The Grandiloquent Caption