The Last Page of the Internet - Images
![The Last Page of the Internet - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by QwrkNeT Texel Island, NL File Edit ew Favorites Iools Help 미지 _ Address |쒼 Attention: You have reached the very last page of the Internet. We hope you have enjoyed your browsing. Now turn off your computer and go outside Internet Done](
![The Last Page of the Internet - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by QwrkNeT Texel Island, NL File Edit ew Favorites Iools Help 미지 _ Address |쒼 Attention: You have reached the very last page of the Internet. We hope you have enjoyed your browsing. Now turn off your computer and go outside Internet Done](
The Last Page of the Internet
The Last Page of the Internet
The Last Page of the Internet
![0% of the Internet downloaded Saving from the Internet Estimated time left: 4,381 years (14kb of 23,993,564,998 MB copied) Download to: C:Do Transfer rate: 1.2KB/Sec 反(lose this dialog box when download completes Open Open Folder Cancel](
![0% of the Internet downloaded Saving from the Internet Estimated time left: 4,381 years (14kb of 23,993,564,998 MB copied) Download to: C:Do Transfer rate: 1.2KB/Sec 反(lose this dialog box when download completes Open Open Folder Cancel](
The Last Page of the Internet
![四 Firefox Eile Edit View History Bookmarks Tools 브elp e × | http:flwww.shibumi.orgleoti.htm Google The End of the Internet Congratulations! This is the last page. Thank you for visiting the End of the Internet. There are no more links You must now turn off your computer and go do something productive Go read a book, for pete's sake. 됩 search .to 요 A·4- sidewiki .](
![四 Firefox Eile Edit View History Bookmarks Tools 브elp e × | http:flwww.shibumi.orgleoti.htm Google The End of the Internet Congratulations! This is the last page. Thank you for visiting the End of the Internet. There are no more links You must now turn off your computer and go do something productive Go read a book, for pete's sake. 됩 search .to 요 A·4- sidewiki .](
The Last Page of the Internet
![ - The Last Page of the Internet Mozilla Firefox Google The Board 8 int Inter- The PushTheNet 's Recom Intern... InternetLastPage.conm The Last Page of the Internet! Ta Da WOW!!! You have reached the very last page of the Internet We hope you have enjoyed your browsing Now turn off your computer, and go have furn ROAD CLOSE Start Over Done start e6Internet Explorer -OPcsx2 My Music ー Windows Task Mana I.BYOND 00:13 Master Volume InternetLastPage.c.](
![ - The Last Page of the Internet Mozilla Firefox Google The Board 8 int Inter- The PushTheNet 's Recom Intern... InternetLastPage.conm The Last Page of the Internet! Ta Da WOW!!! You have reached the very last page of the Internet We hope you have enjoyed your browsing Now turn off your computer, and go have furn ROAD CLOSE Start Over Done start e6Internet Explorer -OPcsx2 My Music ー Windows Task Mana I.BYOND 00:13 Master Volume InternetLastPage.c.](
The Last Page of the Internet
The First Page of the Internet
<blockquote>Today is the 20th anniversary of the World Wide Web.
On April 30, 1993, researchers at the European Organzation for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced that they would turn the World Wide Web (or W3, as they called it), into a free and open source platform.
To celebrate the occasion, CERN has recreated the first publicly available free web page.
It's not much to look at - just black text on a white background, with some hyperlinks that send you to other pages (and some that don't actually work).
But it does offer a pretty amazing glimpse at where it all began. The page gives the public, circa 1993, an explanation of what the World Wide Web is: "a wide-area hypermedia information retrieval initiative aiming to give universal access to a large universe of documents."
It's an accurate description of what the web was then, but it doesn't cover what it would become - there's no mention of cat videos, ridiculous memes, Twitter, Facebook, or trolling in comment sections.
There's also no mention of any corporate interests getting involved, and that's part of the point of this recreation, according to CERN's head of communications, James Gillies.
He told the BBC that without the World Wide Web, "you would have had web-like things but they would have belonged to Microsoft or Apple or Vodafone or whoever else. You would not have had a single open standard for everyone."
Back in 1993, CERN's management had serious discussions about whether the organization should work on remaining "the home of the web," or focus on its original mission of physics research.</blockquote>](
<blockquote>Today is the 20th anniversary of the World Wide Web.
On April 30, 1993, researchers at the European Organzation for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced that they would turn the World Wide Web (or W3, as they called it), into a free and open source platform.
To celebrate the occasion, CERN has recreated the first publicly available free web page.
It's not much to look at - just black text on a white background, with some hyperlinks that send you to other pages (and some that don't actually work).
But it does offer a pretty amazing glimpse at where it all began. The page gives the public, circa 1993, an explanation of what the World Wide Web is: "a wide-area hypermedia information retrieval initiative aiming to give universal access to a large universe of documents."
It's an accurate description of what the web was then, but it doesn't cover what it would become - there's no mention of cat videos, ridiculous memes, Twitter, Facebook, or trolling in comment sections.
There's also no mention of any corporate interests getting involved, and that's part of the point of this recreation, according to CERN's head of communications, James Gillies.
He told the BBC that without the World Wide Web, "you would have had web-like things but they would have belonged to Microsoft or Apple or Vodafone or whoever else. You would not have had a single open standard for everyone."
Back in 1993, CERN's management had serious discussions about whether the organization should work on remaining "the home of the web," or focus on its original mission of physics research.</blockquote>](
The Last Page of the Internet
The 2nd edtion
![Made by Ox Doxen for this thread:](
![Made by Ox Doxen for this thread:](
The Last Page of the Internet
![Microsoft Windows This is the end of the internet. The Last Page You have reached The End of the Internet Thank you for visiting the Last Page. There are no more links. You must now turn off your computer and go do something productive Shut down and go outside NOO00O0O0!!](
![Microsoft Windows This is the end of the internet. The Last Page You have reached The End of the Internet Thank you for visiting the Last Page. There are no more links. You must now turn off your computer and go do something productive Shut down and go outside NOO00O0O0!!](
The Last Page of the Internet
![THE END OF THE INTERNET THE END OF THE WEB Welcome to the end of the World Wide Web Its over. You have seen it all. And today you have reached the end of the web. There are no links. There is no website beyond this. Your done now You are free now. Enjoy your life and have fun. We can all thank Tim Berners-Lee For the internet.](
![THE END OF THE INTERNET THE END OF THE WEB Welcome to the end of the World Wide Web Its over. You have seen it all. And today you have reached the end of the web. There are no links. There is no website beyond this. Your done now You are free now. Enjoy your life and have fun. We can all thank Tim Berners-Lee For the internet.](
The Last Page of the Internet
![Google Reader Next-Mozilla Firefox File Edit Vew Hiştory Bookmarks Tools Help G ▼ e x 요 Fil 1.2/ n Google Google reader Congratulations, you've reached the End of the Intemet](
![Google Reader Next-Mozilla Firefox File Edit Vew Hiştory Bookmarks Tools Help G ▼ e x 요 Fil 1.2/ n Google Google reader Congratulations, you've reached the End of the Intemet](
The Last Page of the Internet
![Warning:Last Page You've reached the last page of the interwebs Turnyour computer off and go outside Shut Dowrn](
![Warning:Last Page You've reached the last page of the interwebs Turnyour computer off and go outside Shut Dowrn](
The Last Page of the Internet
![Här slutar internet ← → c n ☆ Här slutar Internet Du har nu kommit till den allra sista sidan på Internet. Vi hoppas du gillade surfningen. Nu är det hög tid att gå ut och leka. Förslag på vad du kan göra utomhus: . Gå en sväng. Dvs. använd benen att röra sig runt i terrängen. Kan även kallas att spatsera. Jogga lite. Dvs. att använda benen att röra sig runt i terrängen snabbare än när man går. Om du joggar fort kallas det för att springa . Cykla runt och kolla på den fantastiska naturen i äkta 3D! Stanna cykeln av och till och känn på träden och stenarna. Om det är varmt i vattnet där du bor, kan du ta en simtur. Detta bor du daremot inte gora om du inte kan simma. D kan du istället göra något som kallas för att bada. . Besöka någon du känner. HTTP 101- Ha en fin dag! Hälsningar från Internet](
![Här slutar internet ← → c n ☆ Här slutar Internet Du har nu kommit till den allra sista sidan på Internet. Vi hoppas du gillade surfningen. Nu är det hög tid att gå ut och leka. Förslag på vad du kan göra utomhus: . Gå en sväng. Dvs. använd benen att röra sig runt i terrängen. Kan även kallas att spatsera. Jogga lite. Dvs. att använda benen att röra sig runt i terrängen snabbare än när man går. Om du joggar fort kallas det för att springa . Cykla runt och kolla på den fantastiska naturen i äkta 3D! Stanna cykeln av och till och känn på träden och stenarna. Om det är varmt i vattnet där du bor, kan du ta en simtur. Detta bor du daremot inte gora om du inte kan simma. D kan du istället göra något som kallas för att bada. . Besöka någon du känner. HTTP 101- Ha en fin dag! Hälsningar från Internet](
The Last Page of the Internet
![Click to LOOK INSIDE! 2 The Last Page Richard Fierce](
![Click to LOOK INSIDE! 2 The Last Page Richard Fierce](
The Last Page of the Internet
![THE LAST PACH ANTHONY Huso A first novel of unusual scope, power, and imaginaton. -GLEN COOK](
![THE LAST PACH ANTHONY Huso A first novel of unusual scope, power, and imaginaton. -GLEN COOK](
The Last Page of the Internet