Think, Mark - Images
T.H.I.N.K !!! 🌚

Think, Mark
"Did you really think you could trust a Princess? Think Hordak, Think!"

Think, Mark

Think, Mark
Think, Master, THINK

Think, Mark
Think, Xehanort, THINK!

Think, Mark
lemme see dat phone

Think, Mark
And not just the high-ground, but the lava and magma too

Think, Mark
The perfect Jackie Chan meme doesn't exi--

Think, Mark
The Plot Thickens

Think, Mark
Hard to argue with pure logic

Think, Mark
And reasonable prices if you don't get it from one of those franchises

Think, Mark
Oh, Hi Think

Think, Mark
Can't do math, can't hold the flashlight when fixing stuff

Think, Mark
no no, he's got a point

Think, Mark

Think, Mark
"Dexter, you're the only one in the household with a big IQ. Use that big brain of yours!"

Think, Mark