Dinner's ready!
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
I want to show off all 9 of my perfect teeth
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
Some Smash fans right now:
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
And this is Where I'd Put a scratch-free paint job!
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
the bottom caption
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
Headless Mami Tomoe
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
oof ouch owie my corn
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
That's Because You Made Sonic "TAKE THIS!"
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
If I had one!
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One
This is my favorite place to experience horrific cramps
This is Where I'd Put My Trophy, If I Had One