Thufir Hawat Calculating - Images
me when we're watching cartoons and somebody says "that voice sounds familiar"

Thufir Hawat Calculating
twitter users when someone references hyper specific online drama

Thufir Hawat Calculating
“hang on i know this sample”

Thufir Hawat Calculating
When my friend asks me how many white women have been exposed as fake poc

Thufir Hawat Calculating
"What's a really fucked up manga that veils itself as a romance but spirals into a shitshow?"

Thufir Hawat Calculating
"What's the age of consent in every country?"/ Youtubers:

Thufir Hawat Calculating
"what's the age of consent in every state?" / libertarians

Thufir Hawat Calculating
Duke Leto: how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Thufir Hawat Calculating
Me, already writing my Letterboxd review in my head:

Thufir Hawat Calculating
Thufir Hawat Calculating Template
Thufir Hawat Calculating