Today's Tea - Images
Loki Deseved Better
Today's Tea
Josh is just as talented as tyler
Today's Tea
b99 is better than big bang theory
Today's Tea
Grad students should be paid a livable wage for their hard work
Today's Tea
Ur not sensitive, he's just a fucking dick to you
Today's Tea
EXO Kings of Kpop
Today's Tea
Katy Perry is the goddess of pop
Today's Tea
I'm not gay, but Luigi is kind of hot
Today's Tea
You don't hate Nickelback, you're just a follower
Today's Tea
block his number and move on
Today's Tea
You all know sushi is disgusting you just wanna look edgy and cool
Today's Tea
If she didn't ask to see your dick, she probably doesn't want to
Today's Tea
You aren't actually mature for your age, he's just a pedophile.
Today's Tea
Ya can't pay rent with exposure
Today's Tea
Bisexual people in a m/f relationship
Today's Tea