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I turned on the kitchen light and there was a GIANT ROACH!!!

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how tf am i an essential worker

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Yo ma, there's a weird looking Chao outside

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throwing my rattata with 3 different hms at any minor inconvenience

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Uhhh guys

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this cat has been following me for 13 blocks asking for my credit card info

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"there's a literal battle going on outside and this dude's just been knocking on my door for 20 minutes straight expecting me to open. nah bruh"

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im cryin dawg i was jus comin home from gettin groceries.... only in kanto

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look at my lawyer dawgggg i'm going to jail 😭

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selling unusual burning flames cap for 130keys

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hit the most devious lick

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Just woke up from a nap and who the fuck are these people

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wtf is wrong with my neighbor

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team rocket payin 18/hour no experience?

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