We Don't Do That Here - Images
when you go to a movie theatre in a predominantly African-American neighborhood

We Don't Do That Here
When you are trying to hide a hat

We Don't Do That Here
Look, a new format

We Don't Do That Here
When a senior mod sees a junior mod spit

We Don't Do That Here
When you see a bad meme but you have nothing of value to comment

We Don't Do That Here
when someone makes a meme about a school shooting

We Don't Do That Here
mods when one of them tries to act straight

We Don't Do That Here
When you eat in Ethiopia

We Don't Do That Here
when you post an acutal dank meme on /rdankmemes

We Don't Do That Here
When you're from Alabama and want to marry outside your immediate family

We Don't Do That Here
When Writers™ have entire notebooks filled and detailed outlines and know what the fuck they’re doing. And then they ask what your preferred method is...

We Don't Do That Here