Who Would Win? - Images
Aztec battle

Who Would Win?
A black clothed terrorist group vs. some large metal dildo

Who Would Win?
Sword vs. Gun

Who Would Win?
Jedi vs a devastating number

Who Would Win?
Human vs data

Who Would Win?
Half-life Logic Complete

Who Would Win?
place your bets

Who Would Win?
sorry, we didn't know it was invisible!

Who Would Win?
Flat Earth or thicc Earth
Who Would Win?
Kachow v. Skadoosh

Who Would Win?
movie fights

Who Would Win?
pineapple on bread

Who Would Win?
Only 1350 kids would know this

Who Would Win?
Easy Decision

Who Would Win?
The entire republican party with complete control of the government and 7 years prep time vs 1 bill

Who Would Win?
it's Nerf or Nothing

Who Would Win?