Wojak - Images
Indian wojak crying mask

Hitler wojak
![>"Instead of answering, he handed me a couple of hastily scribbled sheets. [...] I could not see any connection between this extraordinary description and the study of architecture, so I asked what it was supposed to be. "A play,' replied Adolf. Then, in stirring words, he described the action to me. Unfortunately, I have long since forgotten it. I remember only that it was set in the Bavarian mountains at the time of the bringing of Christianity to those parts. I would have liked to have asked Adolf whether his studies in the Academy left him so much free time that he could write dramas, too, but I knew how sensitive he was about everything pertaining to his chosen profession" p. 158 >"he was anxious to escape the atmosphere that prevailed at home. The idea that he, a young man of eighteen, should continue to be kept by his mother had become unbearable to him. On the one hand, he loved his mother above everything: she was the only person on earth to whom he felt really close, and she reciprocated his feeling to some extent, although she was deeply disturbed by her son's unusual nature, however proud she was at times of him. He is different from us," she used to say" p. 124 >"At the beginning of February, Adolf returned to Vienna. His address remained the same, he told me when he left [...] I helped him carry his luggage to the station, four cases altogether unless I mistaken, every one of them very heavy. I asked him what they contained, and he answered all of my belongings. They were almost entirely books." p. 147 >"Many other qualities which are characteristic of youth were lacking in him: a carefree letting go of himself, living only for the day, the happy attitude of what is to be, will be'. His idea was that these were things that did not become a young man" p.43 >"He wallowed deeper and deeper in self-criticism. Yet it only needed the lightest touch - as when one flicks on the light and everything becomes brilliantly clear - for his self-accusation to become an accusation against the times, against the whole world. Choking with his catalogue of hates, he would pour his fury over everything, against mankind in general who did not understand him, who did not appreciate him and by whom he was persecuted" p. 158 / 159 44 >"There was a strange contradiction which always struck me: all his thoughts and ambitions were directed towards the problem of how to help the masses, the simple, the decent but under-priveleged people with whom he identified himself - they were ever-present in his thoughts - but in actual fact he always avoided any contact with people" p. 164 >"Adolf set great store by good manners and correct behaviour. He observed with painstaking punctiliousness the rules of social conduct, however little he thought of society itself" p.38 O >"But in money matters Adolf was very precise. I never knew how much, or rather, how little, money he had. Doubtless he was secretly ashamed of it. Occasionally the anger got the better of him and he would shout with fury, 'Isn't this a dog's life?". Nevertheless he was happy and contented when we could go once more to the opera, or listen to a concert, or read an interesting book" p. 155 On his loneliness and solitary nature >"Although he always felt a sense of responsibility for everything that happened, he was always a lonely and solitary man, determined to reply upon himself, and so to reach his goal" p. 165 >"He had no comprehension of enjoyment of life as others knew it. He did not smoke, he did not drink, and in Vienna, for instance, he lives for days on milk and bread only" p.39 >"In class he rarely came to anybody's notice. He had no friends, contrary to primary school, and wanted none" p.59 >tfw you're Hitler](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/670/561/157.jpg)
![>"Instead of answering, he handed me a couple of hastily scribbled sheets. [...] I could not see any connection between this extraordinary description and the study of architecture, so I asked what it was supposed to be. "A play,' replied Adolf. Then, in stirring words, he described the action to me. Unfortunately, I have long since forgotten it. I remember only that it was set in the Bavarian mountains at the time of the bringing of Christianity to those parts. I would have liked to have asked Adolf whether his studies in the Academy left him so much free time that he could write dramas, too, but I knew how sensitive he was about everything pertaining to his chosen profession" p. 158 >"he was anxious to escape the atmosphere that prevailed at home. The idea that he, a young man of eighteen, should continue to be kept by his mother had become unbearable to him. On the one hand, he loved his mother above everything: she was the only person on earth to whom he felt really close, and she reciprocated his feeling to some extent, although she was deeply disturbed by her son's unusual nature, however proud she was at times of him. He is different from us," she used to say" p. 124 >"At the beginning of February, Adolf returned to Vienna. His address remained the same, he told me when he left [...] I helped him carry his luggage to the station, four cases altogether unless I mistaken, every one of them very heavy. I asked him what they contained, and he answered all of my belongings. They were almost entirely books." p. 147 >"Many other qualities which are characteristic of youth were lacking in him: a carefree letting go of himself, living only for the day, the happy attitude of what is to be, will be'. His idea was that these were things that did not become a young man" p.43 >"He wallowed deeper and deeper in self-criticism. Yet it only needed the lightest touch - as when one flicks on the light and everything becomes brilliantly clear - for his self-accusation to become an accusation against the times, against the whole world. Choking with his catalogue of hates, he would pour his fury over everything, against mankind in general who did not understand him, who did not appreciate him and by whom he was persecuted" p. 158 / 159 44 >"There was a strange contradiction which always struck me: all his thoughts and ambitions were directed towards the problem of how to help the masses, the simple, the decent but under-priveleged people with whom he identified himself - they were ever-present in his thoughts - but in actual fact he always avoided any contact with people" p. 164 >"Adolf set great store by good manners and correct behaviour. He observed with painstaking punctiliousness the rules of social conduct, however little he thought of society itself" p.38 O >"But in money matters Adolf was very precise. I never knew how much, or rather, how little, money he had. Doubtless he was secretly ashamed of it. Occasionally the anger got the better of him and he would shout with fury, 'Isn't this a dog's life?". Nevertheless he was happy and contented when we could go once more to the opera, or listen to a concert, or read an interesting book" p. 155 On his loneliness and solitary nature >"Although he always felt a sense of responsibility for everything that happened, he was always a lonely and solitary man, determined to reply upon himself, and so to reach his goal" p. 165 >"He had no comprehension of enjoyment of life as others knew it. He did not smoke, he did not drink, and in Vienna, for instance, he lives for days on milk and bread only" p.39 >"In class he rarely came to anybody's notice. He had no friends, contrary to primary school, and wanted none" p.59 >tfw you're Hitler](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/670/561/157.jpg)
Psycho wojak smug

Wojak peeking

‘wojaks are barbies for men’

Wojak conan

Wojak comic

Fat priest wojak

Wojak hug sunburnt

Fat satan wojak

25 year old mtf conversa snoymoderjak


Wojak cope pyramid

The Weekend Is Still Here (For Now)
Thing vs thing, japan

#1 Life rule
