Not as planned

You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus.
Say the line catworth

You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus.
When being the entire circus is just too challenging for you

You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus.
You are not a clown. But you can be an entire circus if you aim high enough.

You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus.
Barok van Zieks must surely be Edgeworth's ancestor

You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus.
You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus Reaction Image
You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus.
You're a more than a prick, you're an entire cactus.
You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus.
context not needed

You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus.
Evolution of the Edgeworth Clown Meme

You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus.
DS style

You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus.
You are not clown you are a whole circus

You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus.

You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus.
Excluded from my birthday party | r/Animemes

You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus.
i LiKe AlL MuSiC GeNrEs

You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus.
youtube hides comments and likes

You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus.

You Are Not a Clown. You Are The Entire Circus.