CIA Inspires Cringe, Political Debate, And Conspiracy Theories With 'Woke' Ad

Published 3 years ago

Published 3 years ago

The CIA, which is not a particularly popular branch of the American government after it allegedly introduced cheap cocaine into Los Angeles, overthrew several Latin American governments and participated in multiple unsavory international affairs, is attempting to advertise its commitment to diversity through a series of ads showcasing the various Humans of the CIA. It is not being received very well.

While the ads have been on YouTube for several months, it wasn't until a recent tweet by the Central Intelligence Agency that they began seeing significant pushback. The ad shows Mija, a Latina employee of the CIA who drops several academic buzzwords and phrases while talking about her life's journey into the CIA. "I refused to internalize misguided, patriarchal ideas of what a woman can and should be," she says. "I am tired of feeling like I'm supposed to apologize for the space I occupy."

The full, 2:20 cut of the ad finds Mija using much more buzzy, "discourse"-y language in describing herself. According to her words, she has a generalized anxiety disorder. She's intersectional. She's cisgender. "But my existence is not a box-checking exercise," she notes.

As the clip started going around Twitter, users were agog at the flurry of buzzwords Mija used in the ad, interpreting the ad as the CIA attempting to appeal to the college-educated crowd while hiding its troubled history.

Others took it as evidence that left-wing politics had failed.

Others still believed it was some sort of psyop to eradicate conservatives.

So, in sum, the Left hates the ad because it's pandering to the left, the Right hates it because they see it as the CIA threatening conservativism, and everyone not politically involved thinks it's cringeworthy. To use another academic buzzword to describe the CIA's video, it is an epic fail.

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