Twitter's 'Pokémon' Fans Are Firing Off Hot Takes After Competitive Player Asserts 'We Can All Agree' Gen 7 Was The Worst

Published 2 years ago

Published 2 years ago

Pokémon fans are well-known to disagree on basically everything, so when competitive Pokémon player Wolfe Glick asserted Tuesday that "we can all agree that Generation 7 is the worst of all the gens," he likely knew the firestorm he would cause among the fandom on Twitter.

The seventh generation of Pokémon games were Pokémon Sun and Moon and their quasi-deluxe editions, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon. They took place in the Alola region (loosely based off Hawaii) and shook up the series' established formula by offering a more story-driven campaign that did away with the traditional Gym progression route that had been a staple of the series up to that point. According to Glick, Ultra Sun and Moon were the worst games ever, cementing Gen 7 as the worst in franchise history.

While Gen 7 certainly wasn't without its flaws, calling Gen 7 the worst of the 8 is certainly a hot take, and the Pokémon fandom on Twitter got to work trying to set the record straight.

It's par for the course for Pokémon fans to debate the merits of each generation in the series, but they could ease their suffering by opening their hearts and accepting the objectively correct ranking: 4, 5, 7, 3, 1, 6, 2, 8.

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