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in reply to Astatine, Resident Hijab Enthusiast

Sonic has absolutely nothing to do with this, but they did this:

Will you now say they virtue-signalled about Sonic Adventure 2 and/or "at least we're not as bad as Pepsi" because of it..? Or, you know… maybe it was a joke.

Again, you are reading too far into this. Popular porn site made a semi self-deprecating joke about something everyone is joking about. End of context. Everything else is outright in your imagination.

I compared you with SJWs because you are seeing a pseudo moral issue on a goddamn joke, a thing SJWs are known for, but you somehow ALSO read too hard on that and exaggerated its meaning by referencing doxing and whatnot. I did not think I would have to explain that simple analogy further from "finding issues where there are none".

I get that all of us get cynical after seeing these things happen one after the other, but keeping our best judgement is literally all we have. The moment you lose that is the moment you officially let humanity's worst side take the best of you. And that is not helpful, naturally.


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