greens: "don't use fire breaks
dont do controlled fires
don't chop trees in your own property"
and when fire inevitably destroys countless homes and animals because all methods of preventing the fire were outlawed, what do they geens say?
"hurr it's because of climate change, it was all YOUR fault"
An important factor, but often ignored one is that most of the fires start off man made, heck I remeber a story a few months back where an Australian Fire Fighter started some fires, it is true climate change has helped make this partly worse, but some of it was caused in part by, if I am not mistaken the fact Australian Government actually took actions which extended the Bushfire season, so there was a lot more dead wood everywhere meaning there was more wood to burn when a fire started. What I am trying to say is that this whole situation isn't just a climate change issue.
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Jolly Jew
Jan 08, 2020 at 07:45AM EST
Bob das uber Sexy Fish
Jan 07, 2020 at 10:03PM EST