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@Yinx: I actually have this crazy idea for a MLP-1984 crossover. This may be the nerdiest, tl;dr-iest thing I've ever written, but: Celestia is Big Brother, Luna is Emmauel Goldstein, Twilight is Winston, the rest of the Mane 6 play the same role as Julia/O'Brien, all coming from a mix of the Inner and Outer Parties. In Orwellian Equestria, Ponyville is called "Cloudstrip One", and friendship gives its citizens strength, a reason for their actions that the state can't control. So, just like how Orwell's Oceania tried to replace the concept of love with the concept of dutiful baby-making, Equestria tries to eliminate the concept of friendship in favour of "comradeship": fully non-personal co-operation for the good of the state. Anypony who is suspected to be friends with another pony is seen to be secretly plotting treason and then mysteriously "disappears".


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