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1290 Views Created 9 years ago By AugustDay • Updated 6 years ago

Created By AugustDay • Updated 6 years ago

凵0 Leader 02/17/15 (Tue) 22:19:17 ID:e34c80 No. 37579722375853 22375910 >>375923 >Be video game journalist >Want to make easy money >Too stupid to get a legit degree in journalism >Too much effort to be an actual journalist anyways >Decide to review video games for a living because I used to play Sonic as a kid >Try to play but am not good at it >Not muh nostalgia and all that >But worse yet, all these new fancy graphics and controls upsets my autism >Give 10/10s >corrupt devs notice me >Say I get to get free s--- if I continue giving 10/10s >Give Le 3 color ending gay space adventure 10/10 >Gamers are angry >S---, people actually play these things? >Call them entitled >Give Hooded Sassin min Unity 10/10 >Text based highschool thesis on depression 10/10 >Pixlely gay little hat second game cancelled 10/10 Barbie Dolls in space so bad it's s--- transcended space and time and almost prevented the Alien movies from being made 10/10 >Get all the free gifts >Get all the season passes >Get all the unwelcoming nods from my SJW overlords >Cry myself to sleep among my DewRitos >Pray every night to the Dorito Pope and her holiness Beata Anita that one day my efforts will make video games progressive >GamerGate happens >"F------ gamers. Ruin every thing!" >Dust off the dorito flakes from my keyboard >Properly adjust my fedora >I have a collection of them named after famous social justice warriors I'm going to need Anita for this one >"Gamers are over/dead/sexists/outdated/left behind by the industry/etc" >"That'll stop them Lean back in my seat after a job well done munching on an exclusive XBONE themed bag of doritos I haven't opened until now >Mark my calendar for the day I get to be guy #6 >The next day I find out my articles haven't stopped gamers They're grouping together. People of every color and nationality. The American and the britbong. The communist and capitalist. The /pol/lack and the jew. Women and men. Atheists and Christians. Bibliophiles and Cinephiles. Sci fi nerds and fantasy buffs. Horse f------ and anti-bronies >l audibly s--- myself knowing the end is nigh >I shed a single tear tipping my fedora and begin for war >My journo friends on GamesJournosPro are already in a frenzy wondering what to do >It's now or never >It's time to go to war 凵し| Leader 02/17/15 (Tue) 22:25:58 ID: 041fb2 No.375820 Salute to u leader 凵0 Leader 02/17/15 (Tue) 22:32:08 ID: e34c80 No.375853ー 375797 Article after article I post hoping to fight back against the gamer hoards >They won't budge. Fighting back only makes them stronger but I can't admit defeat. Games journalists always get their way! >GamerGate continues educating people on us >But we still put up a good fight. A lengthy explanation on why we all suck is a lot less interesting than "Gamers want to murder and r--- Anita Sarkeesian!!!! "Sarkeesian Sarkeesian Sarkeesian!" I must have typed that name hundreds of times along with Quinn and Wu I don't even care about these people anymore. Just as long as they take the hits. Just as long as they're the ones in the spotlight so that everyone will ignore how bad my friends and I are at our jobs >I remember when Wu took the news. It was the happiest l've ever been these last few months >"That will stop the goobergaters!" my friends all said! >"Their morale is broken! We won!" We cried >But they got back up and fought some more Sarkeesian went onto Colbert and we thought that would win but that only made them angrier. MSM slander no longer destroyed their morale. They've adapted >Then ABC came and it was an utter failure. No! Stop! No more MSM! That only helps them educate people! That's tearing down our narrative >Law and Order came. I could have sworn someone nuked my house. Everything went completely white. I blanked out after seeing the fruits of my articles being visualized and how absurd it looked >How could what I have been written look so stupid when acted out? My articles are true art that demonstrate how misogynistic gamers are. They're not wrong but they can't be right! Oh God what's happening? >My brain shuts down >My heart stops >l slump out of my chair crashing onto a bed of broken doritos "you should have kept going fast He reaches out his hand. I take it. His arms aren't blue. They're still pure.I feel something I haven't felt in a long long time In heaven I see all my old friends. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and other characters from games I used to play as a kicd >There were no doritos and dew, only love >And for the first time in years, I remember what it was like to love playing video games myself What has happened those last few years? What have I become? To try to tear down an industry that used to give me such joy only to appease a group of ideological radicals who find no joy in gaming? >I look dow n upon the Earth and see no tears shed for my lost My journalist comrades continue fighting saying nothing of my death. The SJWs I defended so vigorously haven't even heard I died. It wouldn't matter to them because I was bornm wrong in their eyes anyways >Meanwhile the gamers continue fighting those people >They continue trying to educate the masses on the corruption, the collusion, the censorship, and they are the only ones to notice I'm gone and they celebrate >Everything I have ever done. All I have fought for was for naught >*tips fedora and cries
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