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Mary Vincent, she lost both of her arms in an assault and made it up a cliff to safety at age 15, 19...

Queen Fawzia Fuad of Iran and Egypt, 1943

Iceberg Slim, pimp to best-selling author

Paris, 1957

Francis Farmer being arrested, 1943

Backstage at the Paris Opera House, 1937

Portraits from the back of a grocery store mid-century Algeria

I Don't Car Template

I Don't Car
Pope Francis, then Jorge Mario Bergoglio, riding the subway in Argentina, he was once a bouncer at a...

Mildly Interesting
Tricycle of a 3-year-old boy named Shin, 1945

A Korean sailor takes a break from transporting cargo, 1904

October 17th, 2024 tweet by @boygrrI

I Don't Car
Harvey Keitel, Catherine and Martin Scorcese during 'Taxi Driver', 1976

Old School Cool
Sunset Boulevard, 1925

Mildly Interesting
Mildred and Richard Loving in 1965 after the Supreme Court overturned their convictions for 'cohabit...

March 4th, 2025 tweet by @peeboweebo

I Don't Car