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The local British football hooligans starterpack | /r/starterpacks

Starter Packs
The “Elitist” Middle-Aged Guy at the Gym Starterpack | /r/starterpacks

Starter Packs
Are we blind? | /r/PrequelMemes

Prequel Memes
You know, right? | /r/memes

The TRUE Shrek 5 hidden in Area 51's deepest vaults | /r/dankmemes

He looks exactly like my mom’s tennis coach | /r/dankmemes

Dolly Parton and her husband, Carl Thomas Dean, they met in 1964

Chet Baker at 26 and 56

The Lykov family, who lived in the Siberian wilderness to escape persecution in 1936, they were isol...

John Lennon was kicked out of the Troubadour Club in LA for being too intoxicated, he asked the wait...

Diana Spencer, 18, working as a nanny, 1979

In 1989 Chito Shedden rescued an in injured crocodile called Poncho, they formed a bond over 20 year...

The last photo of Janet Johnson, who climbed Aconcagua in 1973 and died, this photo was found on her...

Elton John as one of Ryan White's pallbearers, 1990

Rare devil horn, or bikini sunrise captured in Qatar during a partial eclipse

The last photo of John Allen Chau, an American missionary sent to convert isolated people of North S...