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Once a Pandemic reaches Mecca it pretty much gets a free ride anywhere. | History Memes

History Memes
Tfw no foxgirl waifu | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Y"Y Budds and Okay Buddys | /r/okbuddyretard

I hate the way I am | /r/dankmemes

I will not use youtube premium | /r/dankmemes

Soviet intelligence during ww2: exists. Stalin: | History Memes

History Memes
FATHERRRRRRR | History Memes

History Memes
that ONE guy starter pack: | /r/starterpacks

Starter Packs
What it's like to be an author | /r/memes

Sorry I'm late to announce It's that time of year again | /r/dankmemes

Mega Man Battle Network: Roll Exe tries to make Rockman play the Pocky game with her

Mega Man / Rockman
The kaboom that never stops | History Memes

History Memes
Hehe volcano go brrr | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
Can't be a coincidence | History Memes

History Memes
How do you make Guyana plural? | History Memes

History Memes
Anon gets played | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories