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Mission Failed Successfully | History Memes

History Memes
Old Triunfal Arc In Las Piedras, 1911-1912

Kristy and Jimmy McNichol in a magazine ad, 1978

Old School Cool
St Georges Terrace, Perth, All Torn Down In The 1980s

Bob Dylan and Gordon Lightfoot, 1972

Old School Cool
Het Ronde Huis, Demolished In 1967

Meta City Wulfen, Demolished In 1987

Caroline Muro, 1970s

Old School Cool
Threes Company, 1977

Old School Cool
Farrah Fawvett, Kate Jackson, and Jaclyn Smith in 'Angels in Chains', 1976

Old School Cool
Colorado Springs High School, Torn Down In 1938 To Build A Bigger One

Villa Eichborn In Wroclaw, 1855-1907

Tanya Roberts, 'Charlie's Angels' promo, 1977

Old School Cool
The Piggeries, Liverpool, Torn Down In 1980s

Dolly Parton, 1970

Old School Cool
Church Of St. Lambert Being Demolished To Build A Coal Mine