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Raw Time Tiffy / Tinarina
If you ever thought “girls don’t care about height that much” get rid of that thought. | Bumble
Getting nailed literally | History Memes
History Memes
No fun allowed | History Memes
History Memes
Why Pictures on profiles not loading in Dubai | Bumble
I am part of this one... | History Memes
History Memes
It’s going to be fun to watch anyways | /r/PrequelMemes
Prequel Memes
"Who gave you the Right?" | /r/memes
Bandai Zilla comparison
I guess I'm wrong then | /r/memes
Nothing beats legos | /r/memes
The feathers are also incredibly sharp | /r/dankmemes
Meme from future | /r/grimdank
Warhammer 40,000
In the beginning, the Holy Roman Empire was created. This made a lot of people angry, and is widely considered to have been a bad move. | History Memes
History Memes
The Listowel Mutiny of the Royal Irish Constabulary, 1920 (story in comments). | History Memes
History Memes
madlad dad | /r/madlads
Mad Lad / Madlad
It makes sense when you look at it a bit deeper. | /r/grimdank
Warhammer 40,000
tonk the madlad | /r/madlads
Mad Lad / Madlad
madlad bus driver | /r/madlads
Mad Lad / Madlad
Colon's Mom & Dad
One Piece