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Sometimes you got to do what you got to do

Dad Jokes
Super soldiers meet space rednecks | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
*Sad Manchu noises* | History Memes

History Memes
nom nom nom | /r/Greentext
![>> File: norn_strangled_by_movi_vi(...).jpg (26 KB, 622x350) ☐ Anonymous 03/04/25(Tue)19:48:47 No.80526910 [Reply] >>80526932 God I DESPISE these pigs, I cannot stand people who make noise eating. If you have food in your mouth, YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT, till you swallow said food. ☐ Anonymous 03/04/25(Tue)19:52:15 No.80526932 File: 9129d4595bfffe1c4b50bbd25(...).jpg (3.95 MB, 3456x2964) >>80526910 (OP). >SLUUURP CHOMPCHOMP SLURPGLOP](
![>> File: norn_strangled_by_movi_vi(...).jpg (26 KB, 622x350) ☐ Anonymous 03/04/25(Tue)19:48:47 No.80526910 [Reply] >>80526932 God I DESPISE these pigs, I cannot stand people who make noise eating. If you have food in your mouth, YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT, till you swallow said food. ☐ Anonymous 03/04/25(Tue)19:52:15 No.80526932 File: 9129d4595bfffe1c4b50bbd25(...).jpg (3.95 MB, 3456x2964) >>80526910 (OP). >SLUUURP CHOMPCHOMP SLURPGLOP](
Greentext Stories
Spring in Chicago starterpack | /r/starterpacks
![HISSELL JINNFIE ANTHONY CROWL CONNELLY WINSTONE WATSON LERMAN HOPKINS NOAH CAHI COMING SOON EXPERIENCE IT IN IMAX 3D 55 knots dense white streaks Spring in Chicago starterpack experienced 55-63 mph 29-41 ft 89- 9- Storm,[12] 10 whole gale 102 km/h 12.5 m 24.5- 28.4 m/s 56- along the direction of the wind; on the whole the surface of the sea takes on a white appearance; rolling of the sea becomes heavy; visibility affected Exceptionally high waves; small- and medium-sized ships inland; trees uprooted; considerable structural damage 63 knots 11 Violent storm 64-72 mph 37-52 ft 103- 11.5- might be for a long time lost to view behind the waves; sea is covered 117 km/h 16 m with long white patches 28.5- of foam; everywhere the Very rarely experienced; accompanied by widespread damage 32.6 m/s edges of the wave crests are blown into foam; visibility affected The air is filled with foam ≥ 64 knots and spray; sea is Hurricane- ≥ 73 mph ≥ 46 ft 12 force[12] ≥ 32.7 m/s ≥ 118 km/h ≥ 14 m very seriously affected completely white with driving spray; visibility UBS Devastation Get to watch these guys suck ass again May 31: June 1: T Will suck ass, and already no one will shut the hell up about them CHICAGO (BULLS Already sucked ass](
![HISSELL JINNFIE ANTHONY CROWL CONNELLY WINSTONE WATSON LERMAN HOPKINS NOAH CAHI COMING SOON EXPERIENCE IT IN IMAX 3D 55 knots dense white streaks Spring in Chicago starterpack experienced 55-63 mph 29-41 ft 89- 9- Storm,[12] 10 whole gale 102 km/h 12.5 m 24.5- 28.4 m/s 56- along the direction of the wind; on the whole the surface of the sea takes on a white appearance; rolling of the sea becomes heavy; visibility affected Exceptionally high waves; small- and medium-sized ships inland; trees uprooted; considerable structural damage 63 knots 11 Violent storm 64-72 mph 37-52 ft 103- 11.5- might be for a long time lost to view behind the waves; sea is covered 117 km/h 16 m with long white patches 28.5- of foam; everywhere the Very rarely experienced; accompanied by widespread damage 32.6 m/s edges of the wave crests are blown into foam; visibility affected The air is filled with foam ≥ 64 knots and spray; sea is Hurricane- ≥ 73 mph ≥ 46 ft 12 force[12] ≥ 32.7 m/s ≥ 118 km/h ≥ 14 m very seriously affected completely white with driving spray; visibility UBS Devastation Get to watch these guys suck ass again May 31: June 1: T Will suck ass, and already no one will shut the hell up about them CHICAGO (BULLS Already sucked ass](
Starter Packs
Way to conduct yourself

Dad Jokes
They really cant get no satisfaction | /r/memes

Chills | /r/okbuddyretard

Why aren't they used more ? (Also sorry for the bad grammar In portuguese) | /r/dankmemes

Sad Reality of a Telsa Owner.. | /r/dankmemes

Just start over and Moo-ve on.

Dad Jokes
Full Stack

No lie told

Dad Jokes
Can always count on dad to look out for you

Dad Jokes
Broco Lee

Dad Jokes
Skill issue

Dad Jokes