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People vote for him because they think he won’t actually do it.

Donald Trump
Sportswear Cordelia!Morgan (@RotomDocs)
Fire Emblem
Why didn't Ned demand a trial by combat or even take the black? | /r/FreeFolk

Dark and darker | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
It probably felt like this | /r/ShitPostCrusaders/

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Upper Middle/Upper Class Jock daily life Starterpack part 2(finale) | /r/starterpacks

Starter Packs
You Are A Gold One | /r/PrequelMemes

Prequel Memes
Chat is this real? | /r/memes

Don't say that name here | /r/memes

hhhhjjjhhhhhnhjhjnhhjjhhhh | /r/okbuddyretard

Say thank you! | /r/okbuddyretard

What he did in the Haunted Mansion was so brave. | /r/dankmemes

Serious 😤✨
Can't You Take Anything Seriously? / Too Serious
An officer with Hot Foot Teddy, the inspiration for Smokey the Bear, 1950

Alex and Eddie Van Halen, 1950s

A prototype of an air conditioned lawn mower in 1950s