12 Views • Created October 26, 2014 By 123 basabasa • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By 123 basabasa • Updated March 23, 2023
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TheWrongWayDog | MUST SEE
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In the next video we can see a dog,who can't sex normally,only can do with his partner's head.He had a "ball" surgery,and his balls are removed by this surgery.Becausehe had cancer in his balls.But he is fine,that you can see.He did it with balls,and doing this now without them.:)
In the next video we can see a dog,who can't sex normally,only can do with his partner's head.He had a "ball" surgery,and his balls are removed by this surgery.Becausehe had cancer in his balls.But he is fine,that you can see.He did it with balls,and doing this now without them.:)
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