12 Views Created November 05, 2014 By List Buzz • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By List Buzz • Updated March 23, 2023

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15 Unbelieveable Facts that Sound Like BIG Lies But Are Completely True

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15 Unbelieveable Facts that Sound Like BIG Lies But Are Completely True

There are several facts about this world that you will never realize before. Here are some of them that will make you surprise.

1. The surface area of Pluto is actually smaller than Russia

2. Oxford university is actually older than Aztec Empire.

3. Believe or not, the law of executing sinful people with guillotine still continues while Star Wars Movie, A New Hope has released in the theaters.

4. The company that make Nintendo was actually a card company

5. If you shrunk the Sun down to the size of white blood. In the same scale, the size of Milky Way Galaxy is similar with United States.

6. There are 1.6 million ants per every human on Earth

7. In total, the weight of all those 1.6 millions ants is similar to the weight of all human on earth

8. If you go to Saturn or Jupiter, you will find that there is rain of diamonds in there

9. If you are a photo lover, you will find that 10% of your photo is actually taken in the last month of the years.

10. The name of Jessica in the Merchant of Venice play is actually made up by Shakespeare

11. The chance of people to get killed by vending machine is higher than the chance of people being eaten by the shark

12. The national animal in Scotland is actually a fantasy animal. You will find that the national animal in there is unicorn!

13. Armadillos, interestingly, give birth to identical quadruplets.

14. Many people say that Humpty Dumpty is egg, however, there is nowhere in the rhyme of Humpty Dumpty is related to egg

15. The number of stars in the space is more than the number of sand in the world.

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15 Unbelieveable Facts that Sound Like BIG Lies But Are Completely True There are several facts about this world that you will never realize before. Here are some of them that will make you surprise. 1. The surface area of Pluto is actually smaller than Russia 2.

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