315 Views • Created February 11, 2015 By TheBrilliantAndAmazingGamer • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By TheBrilliantAndAmazingGamer • Updated March 23, 2023
PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery , or 'r' to view a random image.Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2: Dracula Rises Trailer
Mercury steam quoted the original dracula's infamous line from symphony of the night twice when they developed this iteration of the titular castlevania villain, their primary intent? pure based fanservice.
it also sounds cool in the right context.
this trailer starts off with the original appearance of the line and shows its evolution through the two lords of shadow titles.
Though in the past the lord of darkness was little more than god's personal sideshow, another story about another prince of darkness was told, where the belmont lineage had a darker curse behind it, mankind would be no better than monsters, and where god's chosen has to become a demon far greater than those god has consigned him to hunt.
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