142 Views Created February 18, 2015 By Kiba Doglover • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Kiba Doglover • Updated March 23, 2023

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Freddy - Turn the Lights Off


No, this isn't AN update, this is the final update: no more is being completed, so those white parts are here to stay. Kiba said that this video was starting to feel like a chore and that it wasn't fun to work on any more (and that they thought the fandom was getting a bit toxic).

So, um, enjoy. They put a lot of work into it, and even if it isn't finished, I appreciate what they put out regardless. Hope them luck on their future animations!


This is not an update video. I literally can't work on this anymore. It's no longer fun to work on. It feels like a chore. Sorry to disappoint some of you who wanted to see it completed. But please understand that I was working on this alone, with a full school schedule and human needs.

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