0 Views Created 9 years ago By ADoseofBuckley • Updated about a year ago

Created By ADoseofBuckley • Updated about a year ago

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Canadian Copyright Shakedown - A Dose of Buckley

Origin Entry: ADoseofBuckley


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WHAT I HAVE TO SAY: And we thought the US had problems dealing with copyright.


Canada's recently made some changes to their piracy laws that allow American companies to attempt to shakedown Canadians for money without giving them the proper information. Buckley attempts to set this straight. Nerd Rants: Series 2: https://adoseofbuckley.bandcamp.com/album/nerd-rants-series-2 Nerd Rants: Series 1: https://adoseofbuckley.bandcamp.com/album/nerd-rants-series-1 You Are Not Special: https://adoseofbuckley.bandcamp.com/album/you-are-not-special

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