12 Views • Created 9 years ago By ADoseofBuckley • Updated about a year ago Share →
Created By ADoseofBuckley • Updated about a year ago
PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery , or 'r' to view a random image.You're Weird, And That's Ok (Furries) - A Dose of Buckley
SPECIAL NOTES: I’m finally up to date with these ADoseofBuckley videos! Well…according to me. I missed some videos, but most of you probably won’t care too much about them anyway.
DISCLAIMER: Please do not go on the YouTube comment section and type stuff like “I found this video on KnowYourMeme!” Or “KnowYourMeme brought me here!” It gives a bad impression towards this website, and people don’t want to read about how you discovered this video. So if you want to post a comment on the YouTube page, please be courteous to other YouTube users and refrain from saying how you found this video on KnowYourMeme. Users on 9gag have done this before, and people on YouTube got very tired of it. Please don’t give YouTube users a bigger headache, please?
WHAT I HAVE TO SAY: Don't worry, he's not completely bashing furries in this video.
A couple months ago, a bunch of Furries got upset because a newscaster laughed at them on air. Buckley explains the responsibilities you have to accept if you're going to do weird things. Nerd Rants: Series 2: https://adoseofbuckley.bandcamp.com/album/nerd-rants-series-2 Nerd Rants: Series 1: https://adoseofbuckley.bandcamp.com/album/nerd-rants-series-1 You Are Not Special: https://adoseofbuckley.bandcamp.com/album/you-are-not-special
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