122 Views • Created March 24, 2015 By OtaKing77077 • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By OtaKing77077 • Updated March 23, 2023
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TIE Fighter - short film
Origin Entry:
Star Wars
This would properly be what i'd expect if Star Wars content (a.k.a, Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars The Clone Wars) didn't have their antagonists dumbed down, We would of seen epic wars like this, not mowing down pathetic opponents. Although, I'd properly expect the Rebels to put up a tad more resistance.
What if there was an Empire-focussed short Star Wars animation, drawn with the crazy detail and shading of classic 80s anime that's all but vanished from Japan nowadays? Well, I tried my best. Apologies in advance for not living up to Venus Wars standards.
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