180 Views Created May 29, 2015 By The Gaming Ground • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By The Gaming Ground • Updated March 23, 2023

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Kotaku and Polygon lied about Yooka-Laylee - Topic of the week

Origin Entry: GamerGate


I know that Kotaku and Polygon is notorious for their clickbait links and headlines. That´s nothing new, as both sites has been doing that for years. But I think they crossed the line this time.

As they messed up big time with their “Yooka-Laylee” articles. Because not only did they use clickbait, ragebait and yellow journalism tactics when they wrote their articles about “Yooka-Laylee”.

They also lied about Yooka-Laylee´s kickstarter campaign as well. To be exact, Kotaku and Polygon both stated that Playtonic Games has been lying about (or hiding) their game budget costs.

And that´s a fat lie, because you can read all about the budget costs and what the money will be used for via the FAQ section on the Yooka-Laylee Kickstarter page. So that´s nothing more than lies and more lies.

So this is my take on Patrick Klepek (kotaku) and Katie Chironis (Polygon) articles about “Yooka-Laylee”.


I know that Kotaku and Polygon is notorious for their clickbait links and headlines. That´s nothing new, as both sites has been doing that for years. But I think they crossed the line this time. As they messed up big time with their "Yooka-Laylee" articles.

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